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Our Services

&BLOOM proprietary framework helps you through each stage of the Sustainability & ESG hierarchy of needs; from setting the foundation and getting the facts straight to surfing the green wave and creating impact.

01 Fact

02 Extract

03 Impact

We can help your business set the foundations for ESG and sustainability in order to comply with regulations and the standards within your industry

Once the foundations have been set, we can help you surf the green wave strategically focused specifically on key impact areas for your business

We help your business assess and report on ESG and sustainability-related performance to showcase progress on goals and ambitions

✓ ESG Policy

✓ Internal ESG Training

✓ Interim Chief Sustainability Officer

✓ Double-materiality Assessment

✓ Regulatory Alignment

✓ Climate Risk Assessment (TCFD)

Stakeholder Engagement

ESG Due Diligence

Second Party Opinions

Carbon Emission Reporting

Company-level ESG Reporting

Portfolio-level ESG Reporting

✓ Strategy Workshops

✓ Strategy Review & Alignment

✓ Impact Assessment

✓ Competitor Benchmarking Assessment

✓ Net Zero Roadmap

✓ Strategic Deep-Dive Assessment

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